Thursday, March 20, 2014

Bibacraft Goes to Bengkulu!!!

Salah satu pasangan bule-indonesia yang sekarang bertempat tinggal di Bengkulu memesan 5 set boneka jari. Mereka adalah Nina Keke Adjignon (Independent Director for Oriflame) dan Nicolas Keke Adjignon  (Game Designer). Oiya, mereka juga owner dari Khalifah Day Care Bengkulu loh! Klo Anda punya baby tapi Anda sibuk bekerja, dan kebetulan Anda stay di Bengkulu, naahh titipin aja baby-nya ke situ tuuhh (tuuh, tak promoin Nin! biar kapan-kapan dirimu mo order lagi ke bibacraft hohohoohoo.... ) 
A couple of France-Indonesia has ordered 5 sets of finger puppets to bibacraft. They're Nina Adjignon (Independent Director for Oriflame) & Nico Adjignon (Game Designer). By the way, let me tell you that they're the owner of Khalifah Day Care Bengkulu! So, if you have baby, but you have to work outside of your house, and you're stay in Bengkulu now, I think you need a child care assistant, just  take your baby to "Khalifah Day Care Bengkulu" and they will gladly taking care of your baby. 
Yakk... mulai proses pengerjaan 5 set (25 pcs) boneka jari. Siaaaapppp.. yakkk!!!! 25 pcs model hewan-hewan ... gugling gugling... lembur lemburr ... Yakk.. mulai acak-acak kamar, gambar dibawah itu perbedaan ketika saya dapet orderan vs saya lagi nganggur lol

Well, here we start to craft! Time to search on google for the animal shape (yeah, google, you're not wrong, google is my library, n google is my brain lol) Searching 25 pcs of different animal is not that easy, you know? so, I need my google for this. The picture below is showing us the differencies between my messy bed and my clean bed. My messy bed is a sign of I'm on my project (lol project), I mean.. thats the condition of my bed when I'm crafting. And the clean bed is a sign when I don't craft (or time before sleep, bed must be clean before sleep).  
messy bed vs clean bed
Wall sticker-nya bagus yakk.. tapi percayalah saya nggak cinta Paris kok. Saya suka eiffelnya aja. Bayangin men! tiduran sambil ngeliat Eiffel. Wahh berasa kesono deh.. kapan yakk bisa kesono? Auk ahh gelap >_<
Do you like my wall sticker? So cool, isn't it? Ignore the "I love Paris" sentence there. I just wanna use all of the sticker that the seller gave to me. I like the Eiffel tower a lot. Imagine it! Sleeping with the Eiffel view in your side.... awww... feels like I was there lol. 
Naahh ini niih, asisten saya, yang biasa nemenin saya crafting! Nemenin doang, sambil nonton film Frozen & Despicable Me sampe beribu ribu kali di laptop saya. Sampe hafal saya dialog si minion ini. Hadeehhh...
The picture below is my niece "Aira" (she's my assistant lol) She acompany me when I'm crafting. Usually she watch movie "Frozen" and "Despicable me" over and over again. I can't count how many times she watch those movies and never get bored of it! 
My Assistant - Aira
Fresh from the oven! lol ... 25 pcs of finger puppets finally done for a week. 100% handmade, and I've done it all.
25 pcs of finger puppets

Packed and ready to be delivered
Oiya, ini ada bonus macaron coin purse buat si kecil Aisya ^_^ Moga moga suka yaa... Tante (lol tante >_< sok kenal euiyy #JanganProtes!) lagi nyoba-nyoba bikin coin purse niihh , jadi yaa.. maklum, bentuknya masih berantakan lol. 
Here I make a macaron coin purse made from velboa and felt fabrics (I mixed them) Let's say it's a gift for the cutest girl - Aisya (Nina-Nico's daughter). It's the 2nd time I make this kind of coin purse. Hope you like it. I put her family's photo inside the purse, sorry for not asking a permission when I took the photo from their facebook's album >_<  
Macaron Coin Purse with the family's photo inside
Macaron Coin Purse
Macaron Coin Purse

Thanks for the order, Adjignon's family! May Allah bless both of you in good health and  happiness forever along with your loving adorable daughter-Aisya Have a great day! We're waiting for the next order! 


Aisya (right side) n her friend at Khalifah Daycare Bengkulu

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