
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Very Welcome Our New Reseller from Lampung!

Awalnya hanya iseng memesan untuk anaknya, akhirnya berminat menjadi reseller kita. Hohohoho .... Reseller kita yang satu ini memesan 10 set boneka jari, 2 gantungan kunci, dan 11 pensil hias (ganjil amat yakkk.... hahahhhaha .. it's okay, costumer unik ini namanya). Mari berantakin kamar lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....
Few weeks ago, my friend has ordered some crafts for her kids, then finally she wants to become Bibacraft's reseller. Yeayyy!!! Now she order 10 sets of finger puppet, 2 keychains and 11 pencil topper. Let's make some mess, guys! hahahhaha
1st Week: proses gunting Pola

Ready to be sew by hand
First Week of the process
2nd week: more messy than before lol
Second week of the process
This pict below that everyone know on my facebook. More neat, right? ya iyalaahhh mo mejeng di pesbuk gitu lohhh ... tujuan pencitraan pastinyaa hahhahahha. bandingkan dengan yang di atas, gubraaaaakk

What you saw on my facebook -lol-
Kali ini sang reseller (tidak bisa kita sebutkan namanya -ceileee........) memesan beberapa seri boneka jari yang bibacraft belum pernah membuatnya. wahh tantangan ini. Dia ingin kita buatkan seri hello kitty, angry bird, dan seri kero keroppi. Siaaapppppppp!!!

This time, the reseller (sorry, can't mention her name this time) wants some new series of finger puppet that bibacrafts haven't make it. She wants finger puppetes these series : Hello Kitty, angry bird, and kero keroppi. OK mam, we'll try our best.  
Sketch for new finger puppet's series
Aaanddd here is the result of bibacraft's hardwork of these 2 weeks!
Hello Kitty's keychain
10 sets of finger puppet, 2 keychain, & 11 pencil topper
The package sent via ESL
Harga & model-model lain dari boneka jari bisa dicek disini. Harga gantungan kunci bisa di cek disiniSemua crafts sudah lolos uji kelayakan by our quality control staff. If she (this kid) said it's bad or not cute or she doesn't like it, we won't send the crafts to the customer.
Quality control staff -lol-
Still wondering why it took so long just to make these 10 sets of finger puppets? Hahaaa .. I'l try to explain, the owner of Bibacraft is a woman who work for IEC Malang 3 as an administration staff, so, she spent half of her day for working in her office. The other half is for sleeping, crafting, and doing some other stuff at home. She crafts at night only and full day of crafting only in the holiday. So, no wonder she needs long time to make these cute things. Hopefully all Bibacraft's customer could understand that. I believe they do ^_^. Thanks for the order, Lampung! Good luck for becoming our reseller.

2 days later .......

Paketnya udah nyampe Lampung! cepet juga yakk expedisi ESL ini? murah pula! keren! Dan sang reseller pun berbaik hati mengijinkan foto2 juniornya utk dipasang di blog ini. Trimakasih banyak yakkkk ^_^

si Ganteng bawa paket yg baru nyampe
Reseller's son

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bibacraft Goes to Oman!

Visitor from Oman
Beberapa minggu yang lalu, ada pesanan satu buah softbook & sejumlah boneka jari model Disney Princess LENGKAP. Lengkap disini itu adalah 13 Disney Princess yang pernah tayang filmnya. Naahh, untung gw penggemar disney movie juga. Jadi gak ketinggalan juga nih yaa.  Beliau adalah mbak
"Conny Salamony Jonathan", seorang ibu rumah tangga asal Ambon, Maluku yang saat ini stay di Muscat-Oman. Dia bilang nemu bibacraft lewat searching di facebook, katanya lagi nyari2 boneka princess, kebetulan nemu nama saya. Hohoho... kita berjodoh ternyata lol. 

Few weeks ago, someone order our softbook and Disney Princess finger puppets. She wants all the Disney Princess, yup! Disney has 13 princess so far. She is Mrs. Conny Salamony Jonathan, a house wife from Ambon, Maluku-Indonesia, but now she stay at Muscat, Oman.She said, she search princess doll through facebook, and finally found me (felt crafter who can make princess doll). This is fate, mate! 
Finger Puppet-Princess (on process)
Softbook (on process)
And here is the result. Tadaaaa.....
13 Disney Princess
You can see the details of these 13 disney princess here 
1 set of animal book (softbook)
You can see the details about this softbook here.
Ready to be packed
Barangnya dikirim ke Jakarta dulu yaaa... ke rumah sodara-nya. Ntar nunggu yang punya balik ke Indo trus bulan depan mo dibawa ke Oman. Hohohoho... Kapaaannn gw bisa ke Middle East yaaaaa #ngarep 

Monday, May 12, 2014

All about Owl

Scrolling in Pinterest, and found the cutest owl brooch. I wanna make that one. Height: 5-6 cm. And here is the result:

Harga bross: 
Rp. 3.000/pcs
Rp. 30.000/lusin
Order lebih dari 2 lusin, harga @Rp 2.000,-
owl brooch
Owl army
Owl's Keychain
Tinggi = kurleb 7 cm
Harga: Rp. 5.000/pcs
          Rp. 50.000/lusin
          Order lebih dari 2 lusin @Rp. 3.500,-

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Bibacraft Goes to Lampung

Seorang teman lama (teman SMU) namanya Reni sekarang stay di Lampung, memesan 2 set boneka jari (1 set princess & 1 set animal) dan 3 buah gantungan kunci dengan tulisan nama dibelakangnya untuk junior-juniornya yang tercinta.
An old friend from my senior high school named Reni (now she stay at Lampung), she has ordered 2 sets of finger puppets and 3 keychains with the name in the back of the keychain. 
Thanks for the order, Lampung! ^_^