
Friday, July 18, 2014

23 sets of Finger Puppets goes to Batu

Crafter dari Batu (ex-Malang lol) memesan 23 set (118 pcs) boneka jari. Butuh waktu 3 mingguan untuk menyelesaikannya. Lumayan "cepet" laahh buat orang kantoran kek saiya hohohoo... biasanya sebulan itu >_< . 10 set pertama diambil pada tgl 6 juli 2014.

A crafter from Batu (ex-Malang lol) has ordered 23 sets of finger puppets. It needs 3 weeks to do this. Pretty fast for someone who work in office like me
10 sets of finger puppets
13 sets sisanya diambil pada 18 juli 2014.
13 sets of finger puppets
Close order dulu sampe Lebaran ya temaansss.. mo istirahat duluuuu. Thanks for the order yaaa ^_^